MonaLee is an online solar panel company that uses AI to minimize the pain points of installing solar panel systems by quickly creating an accurate estimate to homeowners. The process takes five clicks after leaving the home page to acquire a finished quote. Monalee wanted to get the ball rolling quicker and minimize the steps.

Here is the webpage before changes. A single CTA gets the quote going that will take several screens. Also, nowhere in the copy does it mention solar panels :(

Five additional steps are needed to get the final quote. All the information could be added to home page (necessary information for full quote) but I felt like it was too intrusive demanding all the information at once. Aesthetically, it would make the home page look like one big text field data entry point as well.

The Solution involved adding just a few text fields to the hero banner to get the ball rolling on a quote without being too demanding. This minimizes the screens process flow. A beige background won’t make the text fields stand out, so I revamped the entire hero banner adding focused image, new copy, and a friendly font.

I then added a second banner to call out three main topics that the quote would cover to entice customers to keep going.

How about an Email?

I then created an email to celebrate and remind customers of how easy it is to get a quote as well as a minimized version of what the quote would actually look like.

Clear Definitive Banners

I created banners for launch off site to showcase getting a quote. Here are a few samples with both old and new typography. Which one will win? Only an A/B test will tell us on Click Through dominance.